*7 Questions* for Margo Marrone, Owner of The Organic Pharmacy

*7 Questions* for Margo Marrone, Owner of The Organic Pharmacy

For our next *7 Questions* with @newlondonnyc - we have Margo Marrone, Owner of The Organic Pharmacy

The Organic Pharmacy available at New London Pharmacy 

*1. What is your favorite product from your line? 

I have my old favourites but right now I have to say Rose Diamond Face Cream- I secretly made it for myself because my skin had become very dehydrated and so my lines were showing up so much more. I wanted to create a moisturiser that was rich without being too rich, hydrated my skin without heaviness and gave it a youthful glow (diamond powder) . 

*2. What is your favorite product from someone else's line?

Generally I don’t use other lines but right now I’m really into salt baths with Epson Salts. I but a 2kg bag of epsom salts from Westlab and soak in half a kg at least once a week. Th magnesium gets absorbed through the skin and is great for stress and relaxation. 

*3. What is your motto?

I love life so for me its always find the good and positive- glass half full. 

*4.Cats or dogs?

Both – I love both cats and dogs.

*5. One beauty trend you wish would go away.

Injectables and fillers- they can make beautiful women look un-natural. 

*6. What city has the most beautiful people?

I’d say Rome, so stylish and full of history and Roman noses. 

*7. What advice would you give to 18 year old you?

Keep an open mind, learn as much as possible, don’t assume you know everything, learn to take criticism without being offended and share. At 50 I am still learning everyday.

You can find @margomarrone incredible line@theorganicpharmacy at New London Pharmacy! 🙌🏻
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